Why StudyTripsFinder?

If there’s one thing that makes Study Trips special, it’s the pride we feel when our groups come back after a successful trip with the students having experienced something potentially life-changing. Whether it’s the first time a young student has seen Florence, or can suddenly understand something about WW1 that wasn’t clear, or can see a bigger picture about cultural influences on fashion in New York (or a hundred other things) is what makes it all worthwhile for us.

60,000 students having successful trips last year needs a lot of planning, a lot of knowledge and expertise and for us to be able to work quickly and efficiently – in our own teams but of course most importantly with you. Things don’t always go smoothly – adverse weather, flight delays, lost passports – we’ve experienced them all over the last 25 years - and while we can’t stop them we know exactly what to do when they happen. We are by your side throughout!

Working with you means more than being on the end of a phone or e-mail. We can visit you at school, help promote the trip at parents’ evenings and also set up pre-tour webinar meetings with our local reps and product experts to make sure all the details are clear and to answer questions and reassure and worries.

The different brands we organise trips under – Studytrips, Hellene and Keystage History each have a specialist subject focus – the content and educational resources in each have been created by experts in that field and are managed by people with knowledge of and a real interest in that area.

Study Trips is a part of the Oxford International Education Group – there we have the best of both worlds; operating independently yet with all the support of a large well-resourced company. We have been running trips for schools, colleges and universities since 1991. We have worked with thousands of educators to create and deliver unforgettable learning experiences outside the classroom for many thousands of students and look forward to working with you to create the perfect study trip.

To find out how we can help you organise your next trip, please do not hesitate to contact us.